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Taipei City Bus Route Guidance Map first ever nationwide launched for better bus information service

The Taipei Public Transportation Office and bus companies set up the “Bus Route Guidance Map” on the covered bus stops aside the bus lane of Xinyi Road in Taipei City. The first ever bus route map in the country allows people to locate the closest bus stop, bus route and neighboring streets and locations.
Director of the Taipei City Department of Transportation, Mr. Tse-Ying Lin, Taipei City Bus Management Center and Capital Bus Company (in charge of establishing the guidance map) announced the “Bus Route Guidance Map” today (October 31) on the east facing covered bus stop at the corner of Xinyi-Yongkang intersection. The guidance map shows information about the bus stop location, destinations and bus stops, schools, scenic spots and main buildings within 300 m distance. It helps people to change to another bus by knowing the bus stop location, transfer information and relevant geographic locations. Unlike traditionally used north facing maps, the map is displayed in the front facing direction of the map users with the lower edge positioned at 100 cm high. The brevity code of local telephone voice is labeled on the map for people to know the estimated arrival time. The bus route and guiding information are shown in semi-transparent background in a light box, in order to be readable at night.
Commented by the Taipei Public Transportation Office, the bus route guidance map was on trial in early August this year in Xinyi business zone. This map was designed to cover the whole Xinyi business zone, to which all bus routes and stops are shown. It has won positive comments since it was set up. The bus route guidance map set up aside the bus lane this time, which was different from that in Xinyi business zone, mainly targeted the bus stop location and neighboring streets and roads that can be reached by walking. The bus route guidance map was set up at the covered bus stops at the corner of Xinyi-Linsen intersection, Xinyi-Hangzhou intersection, MRT Dongmen Station, Xinyi-Yongkang intersection and Xinyi-Xinsheng intersection (east facing). The bus route guidance map will be available at each covered bus stop along the bus lane of Xinyi Road, Taipei Railway Station, Miramar Entertainment Park and other bus stops with busy schedule. The map may be displayed in different forms to meet different local characteristics. The Taipei Public Transportation Office welcomes feedbacks about the guidance map for future revisions.

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