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Starting April 29, 2019 (Monday), Lane 107, Shuangyuan Street will be two-way for motorbikes.

Lane 107, Shuangyuan Street in Wanhua District of Taipei City is currently a northeast-southwest one-way street, but local residents have expressed their needs and suggested the lane be adjusted to a northeast-southwest one-way street for cars and a two-way street for motorbikes for more convenient access. In consideration of the needs of the local residents, the lane was changed from the existing one-way street to a northeast-southwest one-way street for cars and a two-way street for motorbikes. The Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office (TEO) will collaborate in adjusting related traffic control devices accordingly.
The TEO pointed out that, this traffic flow adjustment will be implemented after related traffic control devices are completed on April 29, 2019. The TEO is asking all drivers to follow the traffic signs onsite and maneuver according to traffic markings and directions to ensure smooth and safe traffic flow.

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