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Signals at the “Chongyang Road and Park Street Intersection” in the Nangang District Will Apply a Pedestrian Phase From Jan. 18, 2018

In order to maintain traffic safety, signals at the “Chongyang Road and Park Street intersection” in the Nangang District will apply a pedestrian phase from Jan. 18, 2018 (Thursday) on. The pedestrian phase will be applied during “07:00-09:00 and 17:00-19:00 on weekdays.”
Given that the “Chongyang Road and Park Street intersection” adjoins Nankang Software Park, it sees enormous pedestrian and traffic flow during the morning and afternoon rush hours on weekdays. Turning vehicles often interweave with and interrupt passing pedestrians. Taking the safety of pedestrians into consideration, as a result of an assessment by the Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office (henceforth referred to as TEO) a periodic pedestrian phase (07:00-09:00 and 17:00-19:00 on weekdays) will be applied to reduce pedestrian/vehicle conflict and ensure pedestrian safety.
In accordance with the application of this “pedestrian phase”, TEO will adjust related equipment such as traffic signals and make billboards to notify pedestrians and drivers to strictly adhere to traffic signals when passing the intersections. For their safety, pedestrians should also pass through the intersection quickly.

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