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Minibuses special transportation service for people with disabilities between rapid transit stations and medical care institutions is also available in Taipei City

To assist people with disabilities in seeking medical care, in addition to currently two minibus routes providing special transportation service, “Shipai – Taipei Veterans General Hospital” and “Zhongxiao Fuxing – Chang Gung Memorial Hospital”, there will be one more minibus route available on April 1, 2011, “Wende – Tri-Service General Hospital” (sloping path outside Exit 1 of Rapid Transit Wende Station – Special minibus parking area on the right of main gate of the Tri-Service General Hospital).
People holding the Handbook of Physical and Mental Disabilities can access to this service, which is not limited to residents in Taipei City. The minibus departs on schedule so no reservation is required. People can wait for the minibus in the waiting area. Service hours begin at 8:00 in the morning to 18:00 in the afternoon, and the minibus departs every 30 minutes to 1 hour. The fare is NT$15 per passenger (NT$15 per passenger for “Shipai – Taipei Veterans General Hospital” route, NT$20 per passenger for “Zhongxiao Fuxing – Chang Gung Memorial Hospital” route and free for 1 accompany person. The Taipei Public Transportation Office would like to call on people with disabilities who intend to seek medical care at the Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Cheng Hsin General Hospital or Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to use this minibus special transportation service. The minibus stops of the “Shipai – Taipei Veterans General Hospital” bus route are the “Minibus parking area outside the rapid transit Shipai station Exit 2” – “Minibus parking area behind the Chung Cheng Building of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital” – “the front of the main gate of Neuroregeneration Rehabilitation Center of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital” – “Minibus parking area in front of the sloping path on the left of the outpatient building of the Cheng Hsin General Hospital”; the minibus stops of the “Zhongxiao Fuxing – Chang Gung Memorial Hospital” route are the “minibus parking area on the right of rapid transit Zhongxiao Fuxing station Exit 2” – “the front of the main gate of the Taiwan Adventist Hospital” – “Parking area in front of the Emergency Department of the Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital”.

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