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The main content and legal effect of the Office's investigation opinion report

1. According to the “Regulations Governing the Execution of Traffic Accident Investigation and Re-examination”, the main content of the Taipei City Traffic Adjudication Office’s investigation opinions presents the causes of the accident and the relevant evidence for judgment, which can be divided into several circumstances as follows:
(1) Between two parties, if only one party is to blame, s/he is the cause of the accident, and the other party is not the cause of the accident.
(2) When both parties are to blame and each bears the same share of responsibility, they are both causes of the accident.
(3) When both parties are to blame but each bears a different degree of responsibility, the more responsible party shall be the major cause of the accident, and the less responsible party the minor cause of the accident.
If a resolution cannot be reached, the office will provide the entrusted judiciary (court-martial) or applicant (s) with the analysis opinions for reference and notify the other parties with copies.
2. The investigation opinion report of the Taipei City Traffic Adjudication Office is offered only as reference to the relevant parties and the entrusted judiciary (court-martial). The content of the investigation opinion report mentioned above is not legally enforceable or judicially or administratively binding on any party or other authorities.

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