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Taipei City Department of Transportation withdrew CitiAir Bus’ permission of running bus 307, and designated Taipei Bus Company to temporarily run the bus.

CitiAir Bus’s deficit and financial problem are getting worse. According to the company’s financial report, its deficit has reached NT$1,282,660,000, and it did not pay retirement pension to its employees as stipulated by law. This has met the regulation stipulated in Article 47-1 of Highway Act, “poor business operation”. On November 17, 2011, the Taipei City Department of Transportation requested the company to make two improvements, “deficit should be less than 1/2 of the company’s actual capitalized cost”, and “pay any unpaid retirement pensions to employees (both new and old systems)” before February 24, 2012. However, the company did not make any improvements by the deadline. The Taipei City Department of Transportation thus dismissed the company from operating bus 307 beginning on March 16, 2012 in accordance with regulations stipulated in paragraph 2 of Article 47-1 of Highway Act.

The bus 307 was then operated by Taipei Bus Company temporarily for three months. This company has won excellent service award in past two years. The number of runs of bus 307 is once every 2-3 minutes during peak time, every 3-5 minutes during off-peak time, and 5-8 minutes on holidays. People’s interests and rights of taking the bus would not be affected. The Taipei Public Transportation Office said that a bus company will be chosen by public selection process for a long term run of bus 307, and quality service will still be provided.

For more information about new bus 307 route, please visit 5284 website (5284.taipei.gov.tw), or dial the telephone number of bus dispatch station as shown on bus stops, or dial Taipei City Bus Service Hotline: 2729-1181 and Taipei Citizen Service Hotline 1999 (people from outside Taipei City please dial 02-27208889).

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