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Citizens with severe eyesight problem wish to use special transportation minibus service please book five days before going on a journey

On January 21, 2013, citizens with severe eyesight problems who are in need of using special transportation minibus service are allowed to book for the service at 1:30pm five days before going on a journey that is different from the previously four days. Such change was made for convenience of these citizens in access to the special service.

Commented by the Taipei Public Transportation Office, the office has received feedback from some citizens with severe eyesight problem that it is difficult to book for special transportation minibus service during traffic peak hours, and they have difficulty in traveling by other public transportations. Thus, at the 1st meeting of “Committee on Special Transportation Minibus Service Quality for Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens in Taipei City” in the 11th year, the conclusion was made to upgrade Type A passengers (book 4 days before) to Type A1 (book in the afternoon 5 days before). Original Type A passengers (passengers without severe eyesight problem) was changed to Type A2 (book 4 days before). Passengers of Special Type A are allowed to book for the service at 9am five days before using the service. They are still having the same interests and rights.
The Taipei Public Transportation Office stressed that the re-classification of service recipients to Special Type A, Type A1, Type A2 and Type B has been announced in the “Notice of Special Transportation Minibus Service for Physically and Mentally Disabled People in Taipei City”. Passengers of these types can book for the service five, four and a half, four and three days before using the service respectively. Relevant information about booking and service is available on the website, http://www.pto.taipei.gov.tw/; alternatively, it can be obtained by contacting person in charge of the office, Miss Liu, 02-27274168#8540.

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