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Explanation of the Car Park Parking Fee Charging Method

During interpellation of the transportation departments at the 5th periodical conference of the 11th Taipei City Council session, City Councilor Wang Hong-Wei raised the issue that parking fees for privately management parking lots commissioned by the City government shall be charged on a half-hourly basis. Parking Management and Development Office, Taipei City (hereafter referred to as PMD) responded that, according to the official document issued by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications on August 9, 2012, one-hour and half-hour- based parking cards shall be available for choice in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Parking Lot Act and Sub-paragraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of Item 3 of the matters to be noted in the “Matters which shall be stated or shall not be stated in off-street parking lot lease fixed contracts”. Parking lot operators may determine their prices according to operating costs and parking requirements, and also by referring to market supply and demand.
PMD notes that the parking fee charged by the 217 public parking lots in its jurisdiction is on a half-hourly basis. However, out of the 52 parking lots commissioned by other City government agencies to private operators, 18 charge on a half-hourly basis, whereas the remaining 34 charge the first hour on an hourly base. PMD will continue to coordinate with respective agencies for a unified method, such that parking fees would all be charged on a half-hourly basis.

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