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Zhongshan North Road between No.802 of Section 5 and No.20 of Section 6 becomes southbound one-way road starting September 5, 2016

The section of Zhongshan North Road between No.802 of Section 5 and No.20 of Section 6 in Shilin District, Taipei City, currently allows two-way traffic. However, residents have requested for the section to be changed to a southbound one-way road due to their usage needs. Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office (hereafter referred to as TEO) entrusted Shilin District Office to carry out a survey, and the results show that most residents agree to change the road section from the current two-way traffic to only one-way traffic, and also to add marked sidewalks on the east side of the section.
The TEO stated that this adjustment is scheduled to begin on September 5th (rescheduled in case of rain) after the completion of relevant traffic control facilities. The TEO reminds drivers to follow the traffic instructions, signals and marks on site to ensure smooth traffic and safety.

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