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No minimum fees! YouBike launches bike rental program 'Citizen Time-Based Membership'

No minimum fees! YouBike launches bike rental program ‘Citizen Time-Based Membership’

YouBike launches the “Citizen Time-Based Membership” program that enables occasional cyclists to rent a bike for NT$10 per 15 min, without having to pay a minimum charge in advance (Note: rental period shorter than 15 min is calculated as 15 min). Just complete the registration process with your EasyCard, and you will have another convenient option to get around Xinyi District. Citing YouBike’s 79.3% user satisfaction rate, Taipei City Department of Transportation said it will adjust the rental rates to better meet users’ needs while making the service more accessible.

You may apply for the “Citizen Time-Based Membership” via either of the following methods:

1. Complete the registration process at YouBike Service Center (located to the east of MRT Taipei City Hall Station Exit 3). Upon registration, present your EasyCard and two pieces of identification, including a National ID Card and a photo ID such as the driver’s license or health insurance card. (Note: a guardian’s signature is required for a minor’s application.)

2. Complete the registration process via “Internet + FAX”

Please note that the “Pay-Per-Rental” has been renamed as: “Every Time” with the terms and conditions unchanged. For details of the latest YouBike rental program or other inquiries, please call the 1999 Citizen Hotline (where your call will be diverted to YouBike) or 8780-2581.

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