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Taipei Public Transportation Office calls on not to post inappropriate notices on the bus

As reported in newspapers, an inappropriate kuso sticker making fun of the priority seat was posted on the bus. The Taipei Public Transportation Office commented that to avoid any inappropriate notices or advertisements on the Taipei City buses, the office has asked all Taipei City bus companies to carefully inspect buses before departing and after arrival on the main station. Any inappropriate notices or advertisements should be immediately removed and reported to the office. The office also calls on the public to report to the drivers or the office (Tel: 2729-1181; Fax: 2759-7722) for any inappropriate notices or advertisements so as quick response can be made, and maintain a pleasant bus taking environment.
Taipei metropolitan bus arrival information, real-time traffic information and parking lots can be accessed at the Taipei City ATIS Web(Chinese): http://its.taipei.gov.tw/
Mobile and PDA version(Chinese): http://its.taipei.gov.tw/m

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