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(1)Pedestrian Scramble

    In order to promote human-oriented transportation and ensure pedestrian safety, pedestrian scrambles have been installed at intersections with high numbers of pedestrians, cars or school children. In 2022, pedestrian scrambles were installed or had their operating hours prolonged at 5 intersections including: Lane 207, Section 2, Zhongcheng Road; Section 1, Jiuzong Road and Xingshan Road; Section 1, Nangang Road and Xingzhong Road; Sanmin Road and Yanshou Street; and Section 2, Zhonghua Road and Ningbo West Street (see table 4-1), bringing the number of pedestrian scrambles to 226 as of the end of 2022.

Table:Newly added and adjusted pedestrian scrambles in 2022 in Taipei City

Lane 207, Section 2, Zhongcheng Road

After adjustment: 07:00-22:00

Before adjustment: (weekends and holidays): 07:00-22:00
Section 1, Jiuzong Road and Xingshan Road
(School hours) 11:50-12:40, 15:50-16:20
Section 1, Nangang Road and Xingzhong Road

After adjustment: (school hours) 07:00-08:10, 16:00-17:00

Before adjustment: (school hours) 07:00-07:50, 16:00-17:00
Sanmin Road and Yanshou Street

After adjustment: (school hours) 07:00-08:00, 11:50-12:30, 15:30-16:30

Before adjustment: (school hours) 07:00-08:00, 12:00-12:30, 16:00-16:30
Section 2, Zhonghua Road and Ningbo West Street
(School hours): 07:00-07:30, 16:00-16:30


Section 2 Zhonghua Rd and Ningbo W St before/after installation of crossing

(2)pedestrian extended push-button signal

    Considering the slower walking speeds of the elderly and people with reduced mobility, pedestrians can now push the button to extend the number of seconds of green light to ensure safe passage. In 2022, a pedestrian extended push-button signal was installed at the entrance to Lane 101, Sanmin Road in Songshan District, bringing the citywide total to 15. Further locations will be evaluated based on suggestions from the public.


Entrance to Lane 101, Sanmin Rd before improvement

(3)Enlarged 30-centimeter Pedestrian Signals

    Enlarged pedestrian signals have been installed for easy reading. Priority is given to locations with a large number of pedestrians, such as hospitals, nursing homes, parks, stations or tourist attractions nearby. 126 intersections were completed in 2022, with a total of 500 so far.


The original 20-centimeter and enlarged 30-centimeter pedestrian signals (Keelung Rd and Xinhai Rd intersection)

(4) Pointing and Calling for Buses Turning Right

    From March 2020, Taipei City requested bus drivers to do pointing and calling prior to a right turn at 69 intersections prone to accidents. When a driver is about to turn the corner on the right and stops in front of the crosswalk at a junction, he/she should stop and check the left and right sides. After confirming that both sides and the front of the vehicle are clear of pedestrians, the driver can continue driving. In addition, the procedure for buses turning left was formulated on April 15, 2021, so that drivers will slow down and pause prior to a turn, as well as giving way to pedestrians to ensure pedestrian safety.


Pointing and calling for turning right

(5) Expanded Pilot of Colored Pedestrian Crossings

    The Ministry of  Transportation and Communications agreed to run a pilot program to add a yellow checkerboard to the two ends of the longitudinal crosswalk lines of the existing pedestrian crossings to facilitate recognition. A pilot program of a larger scale was approved by MOTC on December 23, 2021. As of 2022, the program has been completed at 26 intersections. If improvement can be observed, the Department will suggest to MOTC to incorporate the design in the regulations.


Colored pedestrian crossings

(6) Uninterrupted Signal Countdown (Communication-based)

    RS-485 communication technology has been adopted to improve the occasional interruption of signal countdowns, so that the seconds left on countdown are displayed correctly in real-time. This was completed at 51 intersections in 2022.

(7) Guidance Markings for the Visually Impaired

    Line markings between the two sidewalks at crossings are being used to better meet the needs of visually impaired people. They help local people who are familiar with the environment and have independence of movement to cross at intersections by following the lines. On April 20, 2022, prioritizing painting guidance markings in conjunction with road paving at intersections with integrated audio signals was discussed with TCG’s New Construction Office, and in 2022 markings were installed in a total of 12 locations.


Guidance markings for the visually impaired at the entrance to Lane 69, Songyong Rd