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Parking fees should be paid within 8 days (including weekends and holidays). If you have any questions about your parking fee, please call 2726-9600.
According to Article 56 of the Road Traffic Management and Punishment Act, a fine of NT$300 will be imposed for overdue payment.
According to Article 56 of the Road Traffic Management and Punishment Act, a fine between NT$600 and $1,200 will be imposed on drivers who park at roadside and fail to pay the parking fee.
According to the Article 56(2) of the Road Traffic Management and Punishment Act , "Where the driver parks at roadside charging parking spaces and does not pay the parking fee on time, the competent authority shall notify him or her to pay the parking fee within 7 days in writing and charge required handling fees. The driver will be fined NT$300 if he or she does not pay the parking fee within the time limit".