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(1) Multiple Payment Options and 3A Smart Entry/Exit

    The "3A Smart Entry/Exit Services" with auto identification, auto opening and auto payment was launched in 2019. "3A Smart Entry/Exit Services for Scooters" and "Smart Car Search" were added to all publicly-owned and privately-run parking lots in 2022.


(2) Multiform Payment for Parking Fees

    The Department works with a number of service providers for automatic bill payment, including CTBC Bank, E.SUN Commercial Bank, Citibank, Chunghwa Telecom, Far EasTone, Taiwan Mobile and so on. People can also pay with apps that work with the TCG's

smart payment platform, such as Easy Wallet, Pi App, JKOPAY, friDay+, icash Pay, LINE Pay Money and Apple Pay. Payment via mobile payment apps for off-street parking and fee payment enquiry service for roadside parking have also been made available.

(3) Improved Long-term Parking and Fee Collection

    According to the Regulations for Vehicles Impeding Road Traffic and Long-term Parking in Public Parking Lots, a “notice to move a long-term parked vehicle” will be posted on vehicles parked for over 30 days when the parking fee has not yet been paid. 15 days after the notice is issued, the vehicle will be towed to a vehicle storage facility. If it is not collected after three months, the vehicle will be sent for auction. Between January and December, 2022, a total of 1,153 notices were issued and 252 vehicles were towed. Notices were also issued to vehicles that had been parked for over 15 days with an unsettled bill. Between January and December, 2022, a total of 2,153 vehicles received notices, of which 1,901 were moved or had their outstanding fees paid.

    To remind car owners to pay the fee on time and save the cost of payment reminders, an automatic text message reminder is sent for bills prior to due day. This can be done by registering and logging in to the Taipei City Parking Management and Development Office website (https://parkingfee.pma.gov.taipei/). In the meantime, from August 23, 2021, to prevent owners from receiving a fine for overdue parking fees (over NT$300 at registered letter stage), in addition to sending reminder notices in line with current regulations, the notice for overdue payment (above NT$300) is promptly placed on cars parked on the street or in roadside parking space. The new measure has increased the rate of payment within the due date from 36% to 42%. In addition, Taipei PASS was connected to the system in November 2021 to send push notifications on parking arrears and provide another channel to remind car owners to pay their fees.

(4) Real-time Parking Information Announcement

    Starting from September 2020, private parking lots were encouraged to adopt the interface. In September 2021, Taipei City started providing real-time parking information for large passenger vehicles as well as off-road car parks and 146 parking lots of municipal institutions and schools that are open to the public. As of December 2022, a total of 607 parking lots provide real-time information that is simultaneously uploaded on the TCG's data platform (data.taipei) for value-added applications.

(5) Off-street Parking Monthly Pass Online Registration and Lot Drawing

    The Department launched the parking monthly pass lot drawing at the end of 2019. Registration and lot drawing took place exclusively online starting from February 2020. Moreover, it was combined with the household registration system and conscription system in July 2021 to facilitate verification for locals with a discount. As of the end of December 2022, a total of 517,180 people took part in the draw, with 40% choosing non-cash payment.

(6) Smart Roadside Parking

    As of the end of December 2022, a total of 7,624 roadside parking spaces have been equipped with sensors to update real-time information in the "iTaipei Parking" App. From October 31, 2021, smart parking poles with image recognition and car sensing feature have been set up at at spots that prohibit parking at certain times. As of 2022, 510 spaces have been equipped.


(7) Parking Inquiry One-stop Service Website

The new parking inquiry website (https://parkingfee.pma.gov.taipei) came online on June 16, 2022, improving on the old website with new technology and user interface. The site also supports browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, upgrading the service quality for citizens and improving the user experience.
