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    Multiple channels have been adopted to further promote traffic safety, including online, outdoor and mass media, as well as LINE, YouTube, Facebook and Dcard. The campaign highlights the importance of defensive driving for motorcycle/scooter riders, thereby improving the prediction and handling of hazards, as well as reducing the occurrence of accidents.

    In 2022, 196 traffic safety sessions were organized for 24,849 people. 241 campaign sessions were organized at meal-sharing locations for 4,949 elderly people. A brochure targeting elderly pedestrian and scooter safety has been printed and distributed to households with elderly members (a total of 117,674 copies), and a traffic safety brochure on cycling and right of way has also been produced (a total of 100,000 copies). Moreover, posters targeting pedestrian safety have been posted to further enhance the promotion.


Promoting scooter intersection safety on YouTube


Brochure advocating safety for elderly scooter users