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NO.TitlePublish Date
181New bus stop available for special service minibus at Taipei Medical University Hospital2015-07-21
182Discount for bus transfer and 20% off for taking MRT with EasyCard are both included in bus fare review2015-07-20
183Visionary Taipei City: Bikeway Network Plan2015-07-20
184Tour Bus will stop at all bus stops in the Yangmingshan region from May 30, 20152015-06-24
185Taipei City’s motorcycle policy2015-06-24
1861999 language service available for taxi drivers2015-06-12
187Travel around in Taipei by taxi2015-06-12
188The Service Charge for Parking Tickets in Taipei City2015-06-10
189“Blue Highway Postcards to the Future” Have Been Posted to Give Special Offers for River Cruises2015-05-26
190All Roadside Parking Spaces in Taipei City will be Included in Paid Services by the End of This Year2015-05-22
191Service improved after special service minibus booking system completed2015-05-12
192Greening of bus terminals – green bus terminals2015-05-05
193Implementation of the pedestrian scramble in Songshan District of Taipei City for the signal at the “entrance of Alley 303, Section 3 of Nanjing E. Road intersecting Nanjing E. Road” starting from March 26, 20152015-05-01
194The guideline for setting up a YouBike station will come with a more consistent standard for location selection in the future2015-04-30
195All road-side parking spots in Taipei City will be included for paid services at the end of this year2015-04-30
196Construction of “Alley 9, Lane 181 of Jiaxing Street (from No. 2, Alley 9, Lane 181 of Jiaxing Street to the intersection of Xin’an Street)” to change the Alley into a one-way west-to-east street starting from March 20, 2015 (Friday)2015-04-28
197New taxi fare policy implemented along with a new fare meter for taxies in Taipei City and New Taipei City2015-04-24
198Find bicycle parking lots with “i Taipei Parking” App2015-04-02
199Transfer bus to Taipei Children’s Amusement Park began to charge one way fare on April 7, 20152015-04-01
200Results of the 2nd Taipei City Bus Service Evaluation in 2014 disclosed2015-03-27